If you were stuck on a deserted island…

If you were stuck on a deserted island, name 1 character, 1 attack, 1 device you would want with you

This question comes from: http://www.wuxiaedge.com/a-list-of-topic-ideasprompts-for-blogging-wuxia/

Yeah, I know, I’m just taking topics from this post because I’m not sure what to blog about anymore, so I decided to take these creative topics and blog about them.

Well, if I was stuck on a deserted island, I know exactly what I would want with me. Li Xiao Yao, because he eats easy things, mantou, and because since he can learn really easy, just by seeing the person perform the technique, he can help out if an evil person wants to do something bad to me or to him, lol. An attack I would want with me is the cool whipping attacks that Yingying from Swordsman 2012 knows, since it’s really awesome and I think it can be done by using pieces of clothings or something long like a whip. A device I would want with me is the communication device used by Shushan Intelligence from Chinese Paladin 3 (the device Jing Tian found after meeting White Tofu for the first time).

All these three would be really useful if stuck on a deserted island because if Li Xiao Yao was there with me, we would each have a communication device, if we both were separated, we would use the device to find our way back to each other. The whipping attacks would be used when we are attacked by animals or anything dangerous and harmful. Li Xiao Yao, since he eats whatever there is and mantous, just like me. I would eat anything even throughout days, just so I can live, so he would be a great companion. And also, since he learns quite fast, he would be of great help.

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