Taiji Prodigy – Episode 1 Recap

The show starts off with a narrator, telling a bit about something that I totally don’t understand. Afterwards, the camera rested on Wudang Sect, with the disciples, sitting around the Master, who was believed to be “dead” ever since 49 days ago. Wudang Sect, their Master, who was 147 years old was “dead”. Disciples of the sect promised to take good care and help defend Wudang. Suddenly, the master stretched himself, surprising the disciples. Upon being asked what happened, the Master said that he had fall into a deep sleep, a deep 49 days sleep.Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (1 picture) The Master only replied, having a dream about what happened 127 years ago, a very eventful year.

Emperor Hui and Emperor Qin were abducted. The capital moved to Lin’an. Evil officials held sway in court. I grew up in a Taoist temple and knew nothing about the outside world until one day… a woman dressed as a man came to the temple. How naughty! How naughty!

After saying this, the Master jumped off of the huge rock he was sitting on. Now, showing, possible 127 years ago?! A man and some other guys were on top of a roof, watching two crickets compete (reminds me of Yi Zhi Mei!!). A voice is heard, fastly describing the battle between the two crickets. As the man who had narrated the battle said:

Don’t look down on the cricket. All life is equal. Like human beings, crickets have feelings and pride, not to mention ears.

(I don’t know there names now, so bear with me as I name them myself) Suddenly, they could hear a clearing of the throat, and rushed down to the ground, calling the guy, Teacher. Turns out, they’re students practicing kungfu? or whatever it is they’re suppose to be practicing. As a reply, the narrator of the cricket battle said that they were practicing the Cricket Fist. After scolding the students, the Teacher excused himself to meditate, telling them not to be lazy and to practice hard. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (2 picture) The students turns to the side upon hearing hoof beats. Turns out, it was two men, one riding a donkey, while the other, leading the horse. The one riding was called Han Sheng, who came to the Temple to seek the Dao/Way. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (3 picture) Any Princess Returning Pearl fans who recognizes this face?

The cricket battle narrator left to notify the Master that Han Sheng wanted to seek the Dao, and to join their sect. Turns out, instead of meditating, the Master fell asleep, how funny is that? he’s the master! The master didn’t agree to allow another student in, for the sect were low on funds, but hearing that Han Sheng would pay the fees, he was more than greedy and accepted Han Sheng, saying the fees were 20 taels (Hmm… wonder how much that is in the US). The Master allowed Han Sheng to pick a disciple to wait on him, meaning possible to serve? Anyways, after that, the disciples wanted him to choose them, instead, she chose the cricket battle interviewer, who was at the other side of the room, who didn’t care about it. Upon hearing Han Sheng picked him, he shout out a cry, “Yaayy.” then went back to being serious. (Seriously, that is how I know Dicky Cheung for being funny, changing emotions so quickly) Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (4 picture) He led the two of them to a fine room. He said that the room was only for the noble people, making Han Sheng questioned who had stayed there before, he listed out a few famous people, than ended the sentence with… “Have never stayed here before.” making Han Sheng disappointed. Then, he told them about the hill which had wild beasts and for the two not to go there unless it was necessary. The hill was forbidden ground to the students there, along with something strange that had happened recently, a palm print.

On the face of the steepest cliff, someone had left a palm print.

Turns out, the two of them were there finding someone called Brother Yi. The next day, the Master had everyone gathered, to have a “ceremony” for the two new students, who said they were serious in seeking the way. The cricket battle narrator was seen, carrying a huge tub of water with one hand, saying that it was a way to welcome new students, by being splashed with water, for this, being a symbolic gesture. The Master walked towards them, with a small cup in hand, and dipped his fingers in them and splashed the two in water, making them relieved and thinking that the ceremony was over, congratulating each other, but… Master said the ceremony was barely beginning. The other students came towards the two of them, with bigger bowl each time, two students at a time, and splashed all the water on them. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (5 picture) He was the last one, with the biggest bowl, in one hand. The two of them were drenched, making the guy students find out that they were ladies. (NOTE: I find it weird that just because that they’re wet, it makes the guys finds out that they’re ladies, just like in Swordsman 2012, Linghu Chong finds out that Dongfang Bubai was a girl, just because she was wet. Or is it because, after being wet, the clothing sticks onto the skin, exposing the big chest?!) Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (6 picture) The Master decided to keep the two, for they;d paid school fees….. but, under one condition, they were only allowed to be there for a month. For being there more than a month will bring gossips and rumors. The cricket battle narrator came out from Master’s side and told them to address him as Senior. After addressing him as Senior, the two of them took out a bowl of water, “A symbolic gesture”, they said. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (7 picture) They poured the water onto him, not only they, but the whole group in the room, drenching him in water, with everyone laughing. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (8 picture) The next day, two men came to ask for help from their Master, Priest Wuchen, for there was a monster, killing lots of people, who they want the Priest to destroy.

Heaven and Earth are one. All creatures have their purposes. We mustn’t be ruthless.

Priest Wuchen stated when everyone turned to look at him.

If we’re not ruthless, we’ll be the ones wiped out.

This is also very true, in some ways. Senior came and after saying a few words, everyone agreed to help out. That night, everyone went to the village. It was really windy, and things were breaking off their attachments, making the most of the people in the group afraid, so they made up excuses and left, leaving only the two ladies, Priest Wuchen, and Senior. They entered a room full of coffins, upon staring around, a body sat up, scaring the four of them and making Priest Wuchen faint, while the two ladies scurried outside. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (9 picture) The body feel back down and slept, Senior who don’t believe there are many ghosts jumped into the coffin and attacked, being thrown back down onto the ground, seeing a skull in front of him. The guy/corpse stood up and throw a coffin outside, towards the two ladies, Xiaodie, the servant, pushed her lady away and blocked blocked the coffin, but was knocked out when the coffin hit her. Coffins in the room started flying towards Senior, who pushed them back, he then went inside a coffin, and the body/corpse followed him, leading them to a fight, inside the coffin. They both flew up into the roof. The other lady looked up and seem to know him, so she called out, “Yi Tianxing”, which made him flew down and ran off, with the lady following him. It seems something was wrong with Yi Tianxing, as the lady said that the more he runs, the more he’ll be worse, his chest starts growing, as is a balloon that has alot of air in it. She ran to him, as he fell down. Turns out, they knew each other when she was 8 at Medicine King Valley. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (10 picture) But for some reason, he had lost those memories, she even said he had said he’ll return in 10 years to marry her. As he was having a headache, she gave him a pill and he was knocked out and they took him back to the temple. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (11 picture)   Look at how little she was!! He woke up, in a rush to get away. Turns out, he didn’t loose the memories, but since she had grown up, he hadn’t known her. But then, he had disagreed to the marriage, since he had gave his heart to his wife-to-be years ago. His wife-to-be had passed away years ago, but he can’t forget her. She, who was upset on knowing, decided to end her life, which Xiaodie and Tianxing tried to stop her. Senior, who was eavesdropping opened the door and told Tianxing to marry her. It seems Tianxing had willingly agreed and they had a wedding at the temple. (Yayyy!! I got her name, I won’t call her “the lady” anymore!! Xiaodie’s lady is called Bing Xin). Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (12 picture) Right before the first bow, Tianxing had a question. He then started asking certian questions.

Tianxing: What makes a good husband? Can a good husband be fickle in his affections? Senior: Of course not! He has to be faithful to his wife.
Tianxing: Should he abandon a woman after seducing her?
Xiaodie: Of course not.
Tianxing: Should he blow hot and cold? {QUESTION: Does anybody knows what this means?}
Priest Wuchen: That’s not allowed after marriage.
Tianxing: Would you let me fall in love with every women I meet?
Bing Xin: Of course not.
Tianxing: No giving up the old for the new? No blowing hot and cold? No abandoning a woman after seducing her? No falling in love with other women? Why should I marry you then?
Bing Xin: What?
Tianxing: The woman I love most was my wife-to-be. You said a man shouldn’t fall in love with every woman he meets.
Xiaodie: That’s different.
Seniors: These are two different matters.
Priest Wuchen: Your wife-to-be is dead, so it’s a different matter altogether.
Tianxing: If I marry you, won’t that make me a cad who loves them and leaves them? I’m not fit to marry you.
Bing Xin: Yi Tianxing.
Tianxing: It’s not that I don’t want to marry you. You should marry a better man than me. Xiaodie: You don’t want to marry her? Should said so. Why make her suffer like this? Bing Xin: Say no more. I know you want to make me suffer. But I’m not suffering. My love for you will never change. I won’t force you to marry me. I believe absolute sincerity will move a heart of stone. You will accept me one day. Xiaodie, let’s go.

Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (13 picture) Look at that face, why does he have to be so mean?! Lying to her 10 years ago, when all through that 10 years, she had him in her heart?! And now, he’s not wanting to marry her, using all sorts of excuses! Tianxing threw off his bridal hat? or whatever it is called, and states that he is leaving. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (14 picture)   What is love? Now, a different story. The Emperor issued an edict to call Yue Fei to the capital (If I remember right, Hu Ge dubbed Yue Fei in a different show, not this one, ask Sapphiresky, she knows.). Yue Fei refuses to comply, so he issued 12 gold tallies within a day, in the end, Yue Fei returned to the capital. Turns out, Senior’s name is Junbao! Yay, don’t have to call him Senior anymore now. In case any of you don’t know who Senior is, Senior/Junbao is the one above, wearing the bridal hat ^^^. The Sacred Monk, who had raised Junbao, was a Master who taught Junbao to speak bird, which he can understand what birds say 70% to 80% of what they say, but dogs and cats, he still don’t understand. So, friends that wants to learn how to understand animals, I’ve got a technique for you.

Listen with your heart, not your ears. Be they cats, dogs, cattle, goats, snakes, rats, insects or ants, the same principle applies.

Junbao took the rabbit from his Master and looked at it.

Junbao: Listen with your heart.
Rabbit: That’s right, fool!

There were people in a room, talking about how foolish Yue Fei was, then they started fighting, as Priest Wuchen said Yue Fei was nice, and another guy said he didn’t know Yue Fei, which Priest Wuchen said he didn’t know too, so they started fighting. Junbao opened the door and after a few talks, everyone quiet down. Junbao said he was there for the meeting with them, which concerned him.

(IDK his name, so I’m going to call him Monk) Monk: Do you know who Yue Fei is? Junbao: May I ask you the same?
Everyone (except Junbao): Yue Fei who styles himself Pengju, is a native of Jiangyin, Xiangzhou. A rock landed at his home at the time of his birth, hence his name…..
Priest Wuchen and Monk (taking turns): Wrath set my hair bristling in my helmet. At the age of thirty, fame and heroic deeds are nothing but earth and dust. With clouds or the moon, my battle fields have covered 8,000 li long.

Junbao rushed out at that, jumping onto the roof. Now, let me type dialogues of Junbao and his friend. Junbao blewed on a flute? or whatever it was and a bird came flying towards at him.

Junbao: Hello, my friend. Long time no see. Did you miss me?
Bird: You’re so mushy.
Junbao: Do you know Yue Fei?
Bird: Yes, he’s a great commander who’s fighting against the Jin. Don’t you know? Junbao: I hate it when people fight and kill.
Bird: Oh please. Don’t you often fight with others too?
Junbao: I was merely sparring and swopping pointers with them. Those generals fight with real weapons and make the people suffer. Amitabha.
Bird: I have a date with Skylark.
Junbao: Though I don’t fully understand your language, I know it when you say you’re meeting a girl. I’m not trying to nag. But lust is void, and void is lust.
Bird: You sound like my mother. I’m off!

Priest Wuchen was on his way to Hai Feng Town, probably to take care of some matters, which I don’t know, but was probably talk over when Junbao was talking with his Bird friend. Junbao’s Teacher, the Monk send Priest Wuchen off, with Junbao taggin along and saying he’ll miss his Master, here’s the conversation.

Monk: Take care on the way. There’ll be no one to quarrel with me.
Junbao: Teacher, I’ll miss you.
Monk: Wuchen’s leaving, not me.
Priest Wuchen: Junbao, don’t be like this. I won’t be long.
Junbao: [Turns to Priest Wuchen] Take your time. [Turns to Monk] I’ll miss you.
Monk: The one leaving is Wuchen, not me.
Junbao: I’ll miss you all the same.
Monk: Junbao! Junbao! Aren’t you going to see Priest Wuchen off?
Priest Wuchen: I didn’t expect Junbao to look so sad on hearing about my departure. Monk: It’s so filial of him.
Priest Wuchen: Take care. The Priest is on his way, in the wagon right now.
Priest Wuchen: You know the way to Hai Feng Town?
Driver? (don’t know what you call them): Yes. Priest Wuchen: Are you sure? Driver??: Yes.

When they get to a restaurant, the driver?? sat like a yard away from the Priest, but was forced to go sit and eat.

Priest Wuchen: Your’s must be a hard life.
Driver: That’s right.
Priest Wuchen: You work all 365 days in a year?
Driver: That’s right.
Priest Wuchen: You must be very experienced.
Driver: That’s right.
Priest Wuchen: From the way you got on and off the saddle, I can tell you’re an old hand. Driver: That’s right.
Priest Wuchen: Are you in a hurry?
Driver: Yes, yes.
Priest Wuchen: You remember I’d be going to a pugilistic meet…
Driver: Yes, yes.
Priest Wuchen: so you disguised yourself and tagged along?
Driver: No.

I don’t know how many “Yes, yes” or “That’s right” that Junbao said, but, these were the ones subtitled, but I know there’s more, for I can hear him say them.

Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (16 picture)Look at that annoyed face?!

Junbao turned around, making himself known to the Priest that he was Junbao. They then traveled on after that. On the way, they encountered a giant snake that took away their only horse, making them only able to travel on feet. When they entered the village, it was really windy, with no one around, but they found someone, who was there to hunt down a giant snake, who had devoured a great number of livestocks. Junbao offered to help the man hunt down the snake. Look at Junbao’s manly face. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (17 picture)   Which soon turned into: Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (18 picture)They entered a restaurant, which seemed to be filled with bandits, the restaurant was all silent. Junbao said Teacher, and they all stood up a little. It said it a few more times and they attacked him, shedding blood and guts. Eww! Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (19 picture)   Just kidding! He didn’t die just yet, just yet, but is near his death. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (20 picture)   We received a new character, called Yi Jifeng. Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (21 picture) She comes and wants to be pugilist chief, who was suppose to be Jifeng. She and Jifeng then broke down into a fight.

The camera shifts off to Junbao who a few minutes ago was looking for a weapon and got a net, he was off with some other guys to capture the giant snake. It was night and there was a goat in the middle open, Junbao and the others were awake, waiting for the snake when Junbaod asked them a question.

Junbao: Why have we put that goat there?
Guy 1: To lure that monster out.
Junbao: Won’t the goat be in danger?
Guy 2: It’s not a goat, but bait to lure the monster out.
Junbao: A goat is a goat. How can we ignore it’s safety? The monster might not like mutton. We can lure it out with a carrot.
Guy 1: The monster is a non-vegetarian.
Junbao: How did you know?
Guy 1: I heard the monster is like a tiger. Are tigers vegetarian?
Guy 2: I heard the monster is half-human half-beast.
Guy 1: Or it may spit out fire like a unicorn. In any case, it’s not vegetarian.
Junbao: We mustn’t use the goat as bait. Like human, there’s life in a goat too.

While Junbao was talking to Guy 1 about life, the giant snake had crept to Guy 2, who was at Junbao’s right side and had devoured the human already. Since Junbao didn’t saw, Guy 1 on Junbao’s right side was terrified out of his wits, pointing to the other side.

Juanbao: All life is equal. Do you under… stand?

Junbao turned to the other side, seeing he was gone and slowly said “stand”. He then turned back to the left side, but the guy was gone too. The ones who were sitting on the ground, for Junbao was sitting on the roof, stared, scared at what they were seeing. The giant snake then carried Junbao on it’s neck, scaring him, making him scared. He slid down the neck to the tail, then back to the neck and then to the ground. He ran away, with the snake following him, he passed a person, asleep. The snake, having seen this was about to bite the sleeping person, but Junbao, being the kind hearted person he is called out, distracting the snake’s attention back to him.

Taiji Prodigy Episode 1 (22 picture)Look at that, isn’t he awesome!! The episode ends here, sad to end it like this though, it was still very exciting. I’ve got to say, Junbao has such a sweet and kind humor. He treats animals and insect life just like human life, and that’s what makes him sweet.

UPDATE: I’ve just noticed how weird my dialogues were, but I’ve fixed them, making them look perfect again. Please reread if you didn’t understand them when I haven’t updated it. Thanks! 🙂

7 thoughts on “Taiji Prodigy – Episode 1 Recap

  1. Thanks for complimenting!! 😀 Haha, sometimes too long could tired the audience. Awesome, you should write a review for what you think about it on your blog. Or make cards out of the characters or something! 😉

  2. Pingback: Old Wuxia recaps from other bloggers | hkoreandramaisland

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