Wuxia Edge Survey Answers


To answer this survey also, go to: http://www.wuxiaedge.com/wuxia-edge-survey-10-questions-for-the-fans/

To check out Wuxia Edge, go to: http://wuxiaedge.com/

To check out Ancient Chinese, go to: http://ancientchinese.net/

To check out Drunken Sword’s blog (whom I mentioned), go to: http://drunkensword.wordpress.com/

Wuxia Edge Related Questions:

1. How did you first discover Wuxia Edge?

How I discover Wuxia Edge was through Ancient Chinese (http://ancientchinese.net/). How I discover Ancient Chinese was I was browsing for some totally epic pictures. I totally forgot what it was about, because it was about one year ago when I’ve discovered Wuxia Edge and Ancient Chinese. But, I think it was through a playlist. I remember I was watching Seven of the Sky but, first, I was watching the show off a different Youtube user, and the show was called Fairy From Wonderland.

Back when I was young, I had watched the show before, but it was dubbed, story was twisted and epic parts are cut off the show. Anyways, I saved the Fairy From Wonderland playlists onto my account and after few weeks I went back, wanting to continue watching it, BUT, the videos were removed from the uploader! I was so bummed, and went on Youtube to search for the video again, searching ‘fairy from wonderland’.

After a few attempts, I was able to watch the video again under the name Seven of the Sky. I watched a few videos and I keep seeing that in the description box, there was a link leading to Ancient Chinese. I clicked it and saw the website, with it’s beautiful wallpaper. But, back then, all I thought about was, “Yeah, probably just another random blog.” Little did I know that it was something I will be looking forward to.

During the time of watching Seven of the Sky, I searched for random photos, forgot what it was about, and well, encounter Ancient Chinese, again! I then decided to search through Ancient Chinese and became a member. I began following Ancient Chinese, because I was really interested in it and it was my favorite hobby. Soon, I followed Ancient Chinese on Facebook. And, Ancient Chinese posted a post that it had moved to Wuxia Edge and to like it there. So, I moved there, also! I went to the website, and saw it’s wonders. It made me fascinated, the writing, pictures, subs, videos, EVERYTHING in it! 😀

2. Is this your first visit on the Website?

Of course not! I’ve visited Wuxia Edge for so long! I’ve read as many posts as I can. There are still many more posts I have to read. And I love everything in it!

3. What new sections or articles would you like to suggest for Wuxia Edge?

I think Wuxia Edge had covered them all that I have no more ideas! Unless, Sapphy wants to cover the pearls ideas! Hehe, that will be alot of fun! Joining in some help, as I’m running out of ideas of pearls myself. And then, continue the posts about Seven of the Sky. Interviews will be good. But, just don’t overwork yourself. Definitely clips on awesome shows! It’s a really good and awesome way to promote shows, as I know I was pretty motivated to watch Guai Xia Yi Zhi Mei with the help of clips on inspirational, funny, and awesome parts.

4. What do you enjoy most about Wuxia Edge?

I enjoy listening to all those fantastic fan songs! I’m still really addicted to the 2013 Happy New Year song. One of the best ever! I also enjoy reading interviews, as it helps me get a view of the real actor/actress. Watching/reading about voice acting is also a great help! Anything about shows is really awesome. Absolutely everything in Wuxia Edge, I enjoy, literally.

Ancient Chinese Series Related Questions

5. What determines your favorite Wuxia or Ancient Chinese Series? Please choose the most important points and write about them in detail.

I really like to watch the show based on the actors/actresses. The philosophies are good too as I do like to learn something from watching. I like to watch especially game RPG based shows, like Chinese Paladin, Chinese Paladin 3, Xuan Yuan Sword, etc. Ones like Seven of the Sky is pretty awesome. The least I’ll go with is watching the show based on the story line. Some shows I watch are based on the actors/actresses, while others are based more on the story line. For example, Guai Xia Yi Zhi Mei. The actors/actresses in the show are all good ones, but I didn’t find motivation to watch it, based on the story line. So, after heaps of clips from Wuxia Edge, I was able to finish the show.

6. Who is your favorite character, actor, actress and voice actor?

My favorite character… hmmm… this is a really hard question, as I like pretty much all the characters from the shows I’ve watched. But then, one that I really really like is Digua. One reason is because he’s Hu Ge. {SPOILERS} But, the more better reasons are, Digua is a really nice, respectful, and good person. He helps others without wanting anything back. He loves truly, truly that he almost died following his love. He stays true to his love throughout the whole show. He went to heaven, only to help Xiao’qi, which he ended up getting to be with her for 100 days. After those 100 days, he even took care of their child and stayed true until the modern life. He sold himself just to give a proper burial to his parents. When it was Yuanbao’s birthday, he was the one who gave those red eggs to Yuanbao. He is just a perfect and favorable character that I love and adore! Best role model ever! Anyways… back to the question. My favorite actor is Hu Ge, as everyone knows, by the pictures and such. Hu Ge is my favorite character, probably because he has such amazing roles that I’m totally moved by him and just love him!

My favorite actress will be Liu Shi Shi. I first saw her in Chinese Paladin 3, as Longkui, who wants Jing Tian all to herself because, well, couldn’t blame her, after all those thousand years of not being together.

I just want to say this, even though it’s not on the question. My favorite couple will be Xiao’qi and Digua. Those two are really awesome! {SPOILERS} Even when Xiao’qi lost her memory of Digua and the mortal realm, she was able to gain them back because of such strong love! Digua had lost his memory from following her, but had gained it back because of Xiao’qi’s strong love for him. Those two are just the best! They did everything they can and soon had the chance to marry/stay together for 100 days and eventually had a Xiao Digua (their cute child). 

My favorite voice actor will be Hu Ge. I like how, when he speaks in interviews, he has a low-ish voice, but when he is voice acting, he has a really clear good voice. He voices out all emotions. I remember in Seven of the Sky, I will tease the part where he follows Xiao’qi and got hit by the hairpin which transformed into a larger umm.. thing. He would scream and yell and then have a heart attack. I would just tease at how he voiced it out so good and true that it literally brought me to tears when I watched it. Voice acting is something that makes the emotions of the story show more clear, along with the acting, of course.

My favorite voice actress will have to be Huang Yiqing. She’s a really adorable person. I like how her voice just changes and fits anyone. I remember when I thought Ariel’s real voice was Yiqing’s until I actually found out that it was not, I was pretty upset. Yiqing’s voice also fits really well with Yang Mi, from Chinese Paladin 3. I haven’t really seen much of Yiqing’s voicing characters, but I enjoy it alot already!

7. How do you feel when you see an actor play an awesome role and then play an evil, hateful villain in another?

I’m not sure about this. But, when I watched The Butterfly Lovers, which Hu Ge is cast as the antagonist. Before that, I’ve watched his other awesome shows! Seven of the Sky, Chinese Paladin 1, Chinese Paladin 3, Xuan Yuan Sword, and Strange Tales, of which he’s the lead in all. I watched Butterfly Lovers, and was still really surprised, because he got cast as an evil character. But, I guess I’m not that upset, because he didn’t die. If he did, then the feeling will be more worse as I’m not used to seeing my favorite actor dying in a show/move.


Ah, I forgot to say… I enjoy watching the actor act in different roles. Wouldn’t everyone want to watch the actors/actress’ talent? Watching them be a mean one, then a nice one, then respectful, filial, etc. It’s really fun. I remember seeing Digua, he’s a really filial, nice, and respectful person. Then, I went on and watched Chinese Paladin 3, he’s a funny, disrespectful-ish guy, and I was totally surprised, but I’ve got to say, I enjoy seeing Hu Ge in different roles. I remember seeing Ariel Lin in Seven of the Sky and Legend of the Condor Heroes (Only up to episode 3), then I moved on and saw her on ISWAK, wow was I surprised! I have never seen her being a girl who is totally the opposite of Huang Rong, and I have to say, I didn’t like it. But, actors/actresses in different roles, it does depend on what kind of role it is and what kind of role you’re already used to seeing the actor in.

8. Why shouldn’t people judge characters/actors on looks?

I think people shouldn’t judge characters/actors on looks because their looks really doesn’t matter that much to the show. But, the only thing that matters is the acting, and the voicing. This shouldn’t happen, because not everyone is born beautiful/handsome. Everyone is different in their own unique way, even though one fan might not enjoy an actor/actress’ looks, well, don’t watch it then! The actors are not acting to brag about their looks or anything, they are acting for money and to show their talent of acting. So, if a fan doesn’t like a certain actor by their looks, then they should just not watch that show/movie.

9. What is your favorite genre and why do you love it?

My second favorite genre will be martial arts/action. I really like to watch their martial arts, as like Drunken Sword, I like to try it out too and you know practice to protect myself, haha. My most favorite genre is fantasy. I love love love fantasy. I love to watch all those CGI, and I just love how they fly! All those CGI animals/beasts are really awesome, for example, Chinese Paladin, Chinese Paladin 3, Xuan Yuan Sword. I believe those are fantasy genre based. I’m not sure what mythology based genre is. Is it Seven of the Sky? Or is that legend based? Well, I like the kind of genres like Seven of the Sky too because there’s a moral there for watchers to learn from.

10. What are your favorite weapons, named technique, power, sect and philosophy?

This is probably the hardest question on this survey, haha. My favorite weapons will have to be that magical hairpin that with one swipe, can hurt a mortal being (from Seven of the Sky), the double ended weapon that Yan Sanniang has (from Yi Zhi Mei), all three swords that Jing Tian has, the blue one, either called Demon Sword or Devil Sword, I have forgotten, the Holy Sword, and when those two, Demon/Devil Sword and Holy Sword combined to kill Xie Jian Xian. Li Xiao Yao and Lin Yue’ru’s weapons. Definitely the Xuan Yuan Sword that Yuwen Tuo has, the sword that Jing Chou has, forgot it’s name, was it 15? I also like the flute that Taba Yue’er uses.

My favorite named technique would be the 18 Dragon Subduing Palms, the Dog Beating Stick technique shown in LOCH 2008. Uhmmm, I don’t remember them much, so I’ll just say, I like the techniques from Chinese Paladin, Chinese Paladin 3, and Xuan Yuan Sword. I don’t really think there is a technique from Seven of the Sky, because I don’t remember watching them fight that much.

My favorite powers that the characters have will be Lightness Skill, but then the kind where they can stay mid air and just fly without needing buildings for support. I also like Yuwen Tuo’s teleportation, where he just vanished in a puff of smoke and is already gone. I also like their powers of fastness, where they are able to be really fast.

My favorite sect will have to be Emei Sect from Yi Zhi Mei. It’s full of ladies and will, you don’t have to worry about men bothering your life. It also lives on the mountain, getting the full view of the place. I think that’s the sect that I enjoy most, other than that, I don’t know of any good sects.

Philosophies that I love! I especially love the one said by Lin Yue’ru, “To truly love someone, his happiness, is my happiness.” and another from Jin Yuan (Number 7) “Rather than love each other, you should understand each other.” Both quotes/philosophies from Chinese Paladin. I know there are more out there! I didn’t record them down, so I don’t remember. But then, one from Digua (Seven of the Sky), is that when you help others, you don’t need/want anything back, that is call truly wanting to help.

Words From Me:

I’m so sorry for my bad answers! I tried my best in answering them, as I forgot most of those techniques, powers, sects, etc, and can’t seem to answer them as good as you might want. But, I know that most of the Wuxia Edge answers are true, except the first one, I think, because I can’t remember! I really have to start recording down my life, haha! But, here are the answers! 😀 I decided to use Wuxia Edge’s picture from the post because I don’t have any beautiful pictures like her’s.